Image play…

I am at a bit of an in-between time in the studio these days. So I’m playing around with a lot of ideas.

I always utilized magnification as a way of generating composition and design. I love selecting a detail or area and enlarging scale to “find” a composition that already exists but may not be evident to the unaided eye.

Here are some images taken with a macro lens on my cell phone. Then I did some digital manipulation – trying to further abstract the image.

I have used watercolor paint with masking fluid and micron pens to create this abstract ground.

I have used watercolor paint with masking fluid and micron pens to create this abstract ground.

This is a detail of the abstract ground taken with my phone camera and macro lens.

This is a detail of the abstract ground taken with my phone camera and macro lens.

This is the previous image further abstracted using Photoshop.

This is the previous image further abstracted using Photoshop.

This is a  fun way to generate compositions. I will keep playing with these.

What is even more fun is when I realize the continuity of my compositions and abstractions. Quite by accident I was browsing my photos of the day and this image – a macro shot of a shell was  in the same group of images…

Our “unconscious” choices are anything but!


these days in the studio